Monday, August 31, 2009

ada 1 cerita...

Dalam keadaan sakratul maut, seseorang tiba-tiba merasa berada di depan sebuah gerbang. “Tok, tok, tok,” pintu diketuk. “Siapa di situ?” ada suara dari dalam. Lalu kuseru saja, “Saya, Tuan.”
“Siapa kamu?”
Syafik, Tuan.
“Apakah itu namamu?”
Benar, Tuan.
“Aku tidak bertanya namamu. Aku bertanya siapa kamu.”
Ehm, saya anak lurah, Tuan (dengan wajah yang mulai terpinga-pinga)
“Aku tidak bertanya kamu anak siapa. Aku bertanya siapa kamu.”
Saya seorang engineer, Tuan.
“Aku tidak menanyakan pekerjaanmu. Aku bertanya: siapa kamu?”
Sambil masih terpinga-pinga karena tidak tahu menjawab apa, akhirnya ditemukanlah jawapan yang agak beragama sedikit:
Saya seorang Muslim, pengikut Rasulullah SAW.
“Aku tidak menanyakan agamamu. Aku bertanya siapa kamu.”
Saya ini manusia, Tuan. Saya setiap Jumat pergi solat ke masjid dan saya pernah memberi sedekah. Setiap lebaran, saya juga puasa dan bayar zakat.
“Aku tidak menanyakan jenismu, atau perbuatanmu. Aku bertanya siapa kamu.”
Akhirnya orang ini pergi melengos keluar, dengan wajah yang masih terpinga-pinga . Dia gagal di pintu pertama, terjegal justru oleh sebuah pertanyaan yang sungguh sederhana: siapa dirinya yang sebenarnya.
* * *
em,sy sendiri pun masih mencari siapa diri sy sbnrnya.. kita punya tradisi besar menganalisa diri kt terhadap sesuatu : nama, profesion, title, jantina, warna kulit dan rambut,gambar.. kita melabel diri kita dengan sesuatu,dan agak yakin dgn label itu dan kdg2 merasa bahwa label itulah diri kita. Think again: apakah aku = tubuhku? hum, sama2 kt menilai diri kt sendiri drp menilai org lain..hihi. salam ramadhan to all :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

manusia dan....

"sesungguhnya alam mampu memenuhi kejadianmu dari sudut jasmanimu , tetapi tidak dapat memenuhinya dari segi ketetapan rohanimu "

manusia sbnrnya tersusun dr 2 jenis unsur ; jasmani dan rohani..
dgn jasmani manusia dpt wat aktiviti harian cam makan, minum , bergerak, hidup dan etc2..
not forgotten sbnrnya , rohani pn penting for us to keep our life wisely decide by using our inner.
but then , ALLAH s.w.t berfirman dlm surah al isra ; 85

" dan mereka bertanya kpd engkau (hai Muhammad ) berkenaan dengan roh, katakanlah ' Roh itu adalah urusan Tuhanku, dan tidaklah kamu diberi pengetahuan melainkan sedikit".

from hadith ni,sbnrnya ilmu ttng roh hnyalah sedikit tuhan kasi untuk pengetahuan kt, even org paling bijak kt dunia ni pn tuhan kasi 1% j dr kebijaksanaanNya. n for me, from "roh" manusia dpt rs happy, sedih n best dlm hidup ni.. n bcoz of "Roh " la, manusia lebih mulia dr makluk2 tuhan yg kt hidup kt dunia, maka yg nm manusia tuh dia terlupa kdg2 .. disbbkn itu manusia kdg2 sibukckp sal hal2 org lain, tp klu kt fikir jap... kt manusia, bkn pencipta jd kt x de hak pn sebnrnya nk hukum org lain~ me myself ini pn smla jgk kdg2 cmtu~

as a reminder j..hihihi..manusia pn mulia sbb sang pencipta , suma manusia adalah sama j x kira dia tu kaya ke, or miskin , sometimes org yg kt tgk cam x de pape selekeh, x terurus , suar koyak rabak kt rs dia jijik tp ppl dun really knw that mybe diorg tu la sebenrnya lg mulia dr kt d sisi Tuhan.. so...dun just judge ppl by its appearance coz those ppl might hv sometin' valuable inside than what we have ^_~ hihi

Thursday, August 6, 2009

13 facts u dun know bout ur body..

1.Our body is capable of producing aspirin

Eating fruiys and vege may help human body make its own aspirin. Findings from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry indicate that study participants who received benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, could make their own salicylic acid , the key component that gives aspirin its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

no 2 ni best oo..

2.Taking a nap at work is good for your boss

A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness, boost your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, co-author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999), says the post-nap boost can last for several hours. In addition, your heart may reap benefits from napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that that men who took naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of heart-related death.

3.Every person has a unique tongue print

Just like fingerprints. The tongue is a unique organ in that it can be stuck out of mouth for inspection, and yet it is otherwise well protected in the mouth and is difficult to forge. The tongue also presents both geometric shape information and physiological texture information which are potentially useful in identity verification applications.

White skin has evolved over time
White skin was a result of humans moving away from the equator. Also all skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. A yellow pigment also tints the canvas. Lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to ultraviolet rays, appears black in large amounts. These four hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth.

5.The foot is home to the body's thickest area of skin
The skin on the palms and the soles of the feet is 4 mm thick and the thickest skin in the body, the heel portions of the feet being the thickest portions. It's also got the most sweat glands than in any other area.

6.The appendix isn't as useless as you think
Long denigrated as vestigial or useless, the appendix actually has a reason to be – as a “safe house” for the beneficial bacteria living in the human gut. The beneficial bacteria in the appendix that aid digestion can ride out a bout of diarrhea that completely evacuates the intestines and emerge afterwards to repopulate the gut.

7.The body is taller in the morning than in the evening
The body is taller in the morning than in the evening. You might want to schedule that basketball game for first thing in the morning. That's because our bodies are on average about half an inch taller in the morning, thanks to excess fluid between our discs, which is replenished while we sleep. As the day goes on, and our bodies undergo the strain of standing, the discs get compressed and the fluid seeps out, so the body loses that small bit of extra height.

to b continued..ahaha..

15 amaizing sketches^^

Artist ; George Vlosich aka the Master of Etch-a-Sketch

Bila Pak Pandir beli Handphone...

Pada suatu hari,ada seorang yang kaya raya tapi buta teknologi namanya Pak Pandir, datang ke Kuala Lumpur. Ia berasal dari sebuah daerah yang sangat terpencil jauh di dalam hutan. Ia datang ke sebuah kedai handphone. "Saya mahu beli handphone yang paling baru, mahal dan canggih", katanya dengan nada sombong. "Ini encik, handphone yang encik inginkan...tapi wang encik cukup ke?", tanya pemilik kedai tidak yakin.

"Ini duit tiga ribu", jawab Pak Pandir. "Tapi handphonenya tak boleh hidup pun?" marah Pak Pandir. "Oh, encik perlu beli sim card ... baru boleh guna". "Saya beli sim cardnya" jawab Pak Pandir. Tak lama kemudian, urusan mereka pun selesai dan Pak Pandir kembali ke kampungnya.

Sesampai di kampung, handphonenya tak boleh digunakan, Pak Pandir rasa marah dan segera pergi ke Kuala Lumpur semula.

"Awak tipu saya ya!!!Handphone saya tak boleh buat panggilan!!!!!!!!!!" marah Pak Pandir. "Oooooo......mungkin tak ada signal encik".
"Saya beli signalnya sekali. Kalau jual handphone jangan lupa jual signalnya sekali"